Bedtime Stories
Snuggle up and get ready for sleep with these enchanting bedtime stories for your delight.
Natural history has evidently been the writers principal study throughout his life. With his matchless patience and understanding of nature he has the ability to have a profound affect on anyone who reads his stories.
If these little stories delight your mind or you have found some beauty in any word or line then please could you spare a moment to place a comment with your thoughts.
Kind regards, afarawayfellow
Woodrow and Friends
Woodrow arrives home late from school. His mum had already prepared tea and was waiting for Woody to arrive home. Just then a grubby little face peeps around the door. “Where have you been Woody, you’re late, what have you been up to?” “Sorry mum, I’ve been with my mates, Chiggy, Chuggy, Tiggy, Fuzzy and Roly.