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These little stories will hopefully help the shy, the desperate, and the lonely. For if people came out of their homes to see and hear the beauty that surrounds them, they may retain a potency that could last forever; for nature has a unique ability to bypass the gatekeepers of the mind and go directly to the emotions, for nature is the purest portal to inner peace.
Through the power of mindfulness, my journey has clearly shown me that if a person does not keep pace with others, perhaps it’s because they hear a different drummer, so let them step to the music which they themselves hear — however measured or far away.
If these little stories delight your mind or you have found some beauty in any word or line then please could you spare a moment to place a comment with your thoughts.
Kind regards, afarawayfellow
One Moonlit Night
Through a little gate at the bottom of the garden is a buttercup meadow, where a fox I named Finbar often frequented. He was aware of my presence as I felt his stare, but knowing my scent had no fear of me. I watched as he stretched out his length in the sunshine, I could see his long ears and his elliptical eyes. I named him Finbar, for a name makes a difference, be it a person or an animal, don’t deal with them as strangers.

MINDFULNESS – The Artist’s Way
In the cloudless blue coloured sky, I watched a crow and a buzzard rise way up high, they then fought a spiralling duel, with the buzzard making all the noise as they continued to carve the sky. Finally, they disappeared into the silhouetted woods, for the wise old crow knew the buzzard’s menacing intentions and had taken the buzzard away from his nesting site.

AUGUST – The Mute Season
It is now early August, the lanes and the woods are silent, without the pellucid sound of birds singing. Only the yellowhammers in the hedgerows are with song. In the skies above the cries of the buzzards can be heard. This is the time when birds begin their summer moult to replace their suit of feathers ready for the harshness of winter.

The Glistening Maytime
It was a fine soft day in spring and with the cloud-castled sky above it absorbed the moments’ meaning. I love the way nature responds to the seasons, weather and maturity, it delights me, it’s a work of art. Here is a place to find treasures to enlarge the mind by contemplation, for there is no wi-fi here, but I can promise that you’ll find a better connection, with memories that will never fade.

Looking for Beauty
As winter drifted into spring, the colds’ great bearhug that had embraced all had now released her grip and forsaken us. The bird songs are melodious and multitudinous in the burgeoning dawn of a glorious new day. As I ambled through soft green pastures where cleft-born wildflowers were soaking up the heat from the sun, a timorous hare leapt forth to feed on a rich supply of variable grasses.

A Calm Repose
My first visit to this peaceful place felt like a communion of sound and colour that was to open new creative possibilities. My new senses act like an antenna picking up signals. I began to tune in to the sound of my steps, feel the wind, the sound of the swaying branches. My mind makes space for what is to come.

The Veil of Forgetfulness
As I awake early, I gaze at the clouds above, the under-surface is illuminated with ripples of rosy light by the sun which has not yet risen above the horizon. The view however, across the folding fields later becomes indescribable with silk-sack clouds moving on the commotion of the air and where a twittering lark lightly ascends and exerts its charm. Constable himself could not have painted a better picture

I’m just tangled up in Blue
In the sweet mood when pleasures love to pay I would reflect on the day Blue came into my life.

the last ride
As I walk the lanes in the years to come, Rocky will be there walking slowly and calmly at my side, giving me a gentle nudge of reassurance to let me know that all is well.

a stroke of luck
The hurrying images of that day danced through my mind as a shiver of fear tingled through my body; I feel the awful brooding weight of that time acting on me like a chloroform pad.

against all odds
All my life I have been inspired by the beauty of nature and for a long time I have enjoyed the peace and spiritual enlightenment which only the contact with nature can bring. Every day I was taken on a spiritual journey to a different place where I was never judged or demised, a place where I had a sense of self worth, a place of belonging.

a bower of joy
Pondering through the little episodes of my life helps me to realise that many things exist in life that we don’t really see, hear or even understand. It bespeaks life’s involvement with nature and the wonderful gift that comes free to us all. Through mindfulness we become aware that real life is measured by the breaths we do not take, those breath-taking moments of wonder.

mindfulness: nature’s healing way
Through my abiding love of nature, I have acquired a special kind of knowledge, one not learned from others but directly revealed to the inner eye

a journey of a new beginning
These little stories will hopefully help the shy, the desperate, and the lonely. For if people came out of their homes to see and hear the beauty that surrounds them they would retain a potency that would last forever for it has a unique ability to bypass the gatekeepers of the mind and go straight into the emotions.