mindfulness: nature’s healing way

Through my abiding love of nature and having an obstinate desire to see the countryside and all things connected with it, which has been a refuge of peace and simplicity, I have acquired a special kind of knowledge, one not learned from others but directly revealed to the inner eye, and one which has never let me forget my boyhood environment.

The solitude and sublimity of the wilderness has enabled me to understand that Mother Nature has a vital role to play in all our lives in a truly fundamental way, by providing lasting memories, emotional connections and imagination through play and exploration, but also for our spiritual needs by nurturing our souls for now and future generations yet to be born.  Although I have brought to bear many dramas which came unbidden and unexpectedly into my life, I would desperately try to navigate a way out with the least possible damage to my heart.

I have to date spent fifty eight years of precious note taking on the many wondrous things I have witnessed and realise now that it is only with the heart that we can see rightly. I firmly believe that this journey of mine has enabled me to understand that we are here to enrich this world of ours. It is how we have lived that really matters and I truly believe that we will be taken to heaven by our virtues.

Through the process of mindfulness, the path that nature took me on was one which healed my soul and filled my heart with wonder. I have been blessed and humbled by the many special people I met along the way that influenced my thoughts thus enabling me to survive my trials and tribulations, my wonderful pets and the many beautiful animals I encountered on my journey that enriched my life in so many ways and gave me a reason to go on.

Mother Nature has always played a huge part in my life and has nurtured and comforted me through some very difficult times throughout my life. For when you come to something good the first thing to do is to share it with whoever you can find, that way the good spreads out and there’s no telling where it will go. Hopefully it will inform the mind, educate the spirit and lighten the heart. For mindfulness offers hope to many people who feel like there is none.

If only we could watch the natural world at close quarters and generate not just an understanding but a respect and an insight into the kindredness of living things, then a hormone would be released into our central nervous system that would spread a feeling against which we have no defence: ‘happiness.’

It’s then when our lives change and we really start to live.


a bower of joy


a journey of a new beginning