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 These little stories will hopefully help the shy, the desperate, and the lonely. For if people came out of their homes to see and hear the beauty that surrounds them, they may retain a potency that could last forever; for nature has a unique ability to bypass the gatekeepers of the mind and go directly to the emotions, for nature is the purest portal to inner peace.

Through the power of mindfulness, my journey has clearly shown me that if a person does not keep pace with others, perhaps it’s because they hear a different drummer, so let them step to the music which they themselves hear — however measured or far away.

If these little stories delight your mind or you have found some beauty in any word or line then please could you spare a moment to place a comment with your thoughts.

Kind regards, afarawayfellow

the last ride
mindfulness a far away fellow mindfulness a far away fellow

the last ride

As I walk the lanes in the years to come, Rocky will be there walking slowly and calmly at my side, giving me a gentle nudge of reassurance to let me know that all is well.

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