the ant: the mighty atom

Ants, friend or foe, love them or hate them.  Did you know that there are over 40 species of ants? To most people they are just pests; they know nothing of their complex lives.  They are highly intelligent, social creatures.  Ants on the whole are harmless, but serious infestations can be bothersome and unpleasant.  However, there can be a balance.  By planting the herb Pennyroyal (Menthe Pulegium) an attractive little plant by your doorway or crushing the flower heads of Lupins and rubbing the juice around your home you can keep them at bay.  Another safe alternative is powdered chalk or Cayenne Pepper as they will not cross this boundary.

Ants naturally produce ‘toxichemicals’, an insecticidal shampoo and provide a free service to ground dwelling birds.  When pheasants and partridges want to rid themselves of the mites and lice that live on their feathers, they will pay a visit to the ants nest, settle down onto it, and in a blissful trance allow the ants to remove their unwanted guests.

It is not widely known that ants practice elementary medicine and surgery on each other.  If suffering from a disease the patient will be isolated and a form of nursing takes place.  They will be groomed, tended and licked and with good nourishment brought back to health to serve the nest once more.  Scouts patrol outside and will retrieve any dead, injured or dying members and with their immense strength carry them long distances to bring them back to the nest. If a member of the nest returns with an injured limb and this cannot be repaired, the ants with their razor edged jaws and mandibles will perform an operation to amputate the broken limb.  If however, a member is dying, a decision is made by the group to end their pain and suffering, they will use euthanasia (a good death) and sever the head.  The body is prepared and washed, the group will then gather to caress the deceased and a kind of service is carried out, the body and head being carried away to be buried in a special chamber or tomb.  Ants show the utmost respect and care for both the living and the dead.

Older ants in the nest become servant leaders and teach the young to imitate them, to labour for themselves and not to burden others, a lesson to be learned for all.  The servant leader will leave scent trails for all to follow (a form of scout) giving information where food can be located.  Ants have a unique feature, a social stomach which enables them to regurgitate food for others. The chemicals released within the regurgitated food gives information which informs them on the condition of the nursery and of food supplies etc. Ants are not selfish by the hoarding of information.

Ants are cross pollinators of plants which grow on the woodland floor.  They spread the pollen on their legs as they dash to and fro collecting food stores for their ever growing nests.  One of the main plants they help to propagate is the Sweet Violet; they carry the seeds burying them in different locations and in doing so are rewarded with a tiny drop of sweet oil, thus benefitting both parties. Harvest ants however, are farmers but instead of harvesting crops will harvest root sucking Aphids and their eggs.  They will feed and nurture them underground and are rewarded by feeding on the honeydew which the aphids secrete.

After studying ants extensively the rewards have been tenfold.  It has helped me to gather information on a wide range of creatures associated with the ant.  I have discovered that when they are resting on the ants nest I can approach them and handle them in such a way that they sleep on regardless, like in a hypnotic state, enabling me to gather important data.  Lapwings, Wood Pigeons and all members of the Crow family also benefit from the services of the ants.

The Bible teaches us “Go to the ant O sluggard, observe her ways and be wise” King James Bible, Proverbs 6:6. This tiny little insect I believe has the ability to teach us all both diligence and wisdom.


jumping jack


all things connected