the nature of time

I have often wondered about the nature of time, we can’t see it or touch it, yet it’s there every moment of our lives.  Time is the most precious thing we are given on earth. 

Every morning we are given a gift, a new day to unwrap, it’s what we do with this gift that determines our tomorrow.  How we use it is ours to choose, the one thing for certain is that we can’t change it.  The older we become the more we begin to realise how quickly time goes by and sometimes wish instead that time would stand completely still, if only for a while.

We need time to dream, time to remember and time to be. What we do today is important because we exchange a day of our lives for it, a thought worth remembering whatever our stage in life.

Life is a series of todays which ever so quickly turns into yesterdays, for this is the place and the time for living, whilst we are here.

We sense time as a fraction of our expected lifetime. Just to see our majestic grandfather trees helps us to realise how short our lives really are. Time should not be wasted but treasured and appreciated while we have time to do so.

We must value the time we have left on this earth now that we have become aware of ‘the nature of time’

I’d like to take this opportunity to feature a poem written by my dear friend & local poet, Brian Salkeld

Each day I rise from bed and look up to the sky
I watch the clouds that roll around or as migrant birds go by
I also like to watch the sun as it starts its daily climb
A hot celestial clock, used to measure time.

Time is so important, the most precious thing on earth
Time enriches our memories from old age back to birth
Time should never be wasted and never wished away
Not wishing for tomorrow, time is for today.

We hear young people talking or having time to kill
But as we’re getting older, we wish time would stand still
Each second we should treasure, in all we do and say
Too quickly time will fade away and become a yesterday.

Within the sands of time our lifetime’s but a grain
Gone in just a heartbeat, no time to live again
Time for us is measured by our lifespan so they say
In humans eighty years, to the Mayfly just one day.

With a watch, clock or chronometer the passage of time is measured
But within the minds of people, their happy times are treasured
Though still the time is ticking there’s a way of freezing time
Encapsulating memories in photo’s, books or rhyme.


falling leaves


galleries and umtitumps