short stories

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NOVEMBER – An Autumn Spectacle
a far away fellow a far away fellow

NOVEMBER – An Autumn Spectacle

On frosty mornings when the fog veils the fields with an eerie haunting loneliness, there is a spooky ethereal quality as if there is something hidden from me.  However. there is no caveat alarm as a pall of grey hangs over the sky, where a thronging of geese, indistinguishable, were exploding into an echo of sound.

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SEPTEMBER -The Mysterious Season of mist and Spiders
a far away fellow a far away fellow

SEPTEMBER -The Mysterious Season of mist and Spiders

It was a sultry day after the sun had drunk the dew.  The hedges in the hedgerow had been studiously fretted trim.  But there, woven between the dew-laden branches were festoons of spider’s webs, far more than previous years, where the dew drops hung trembling on the translucent whisps, enhancing their beauty.  There the spider will be waiting, just out of sight, and with the slightest vibration she will come to seize.  They are resilient intricate artists and are adorned with many skills.

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