short stories

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in the shadowed wilds
nature, woodland, mindfulness, animals a far away fellow nature, woodland, mindfulness, animals a far away fellow

in the shadowed wilds

In the shadowed wilds of mature deciduous woodland where the trees are throttled by the ivy, the wood anemones now steal the show, cloaking the ground and blooming like a galaxy of stars. The random clumps of snow piercers (snowdrops) their white beauty now faded have provided a much needed food supply for the early bees.

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jumping jack
nature, woodland a far away fellow nature, woodland a far away fellow

jumping jack

Our tallest annual commonly known as Malaysian Balsam was brought here from the Himalayan foothills in the 1800’s, although a non-native, its flowers are adorned by bees. I dearly love to listen to their pulsing sounds as they harvest the white pollen in their baskets. However, the weight of their harvest would sometimes impede their flight and they would succumb to the waiting mouths of the hungry toads beneath.

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all things connected
nature a far away fellow nature a far away fellow

all things connected

In the lazy summer sun the thrushes consume many fruits of the wild cherry and soon begin to become intoxicated; they then turn, flip, tumble and fall allowing me to make close contact with them whilst becoming rather tame.

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a little bit of heaven on earth
nature a far away fellow nature a far away fellow

a little bit of heaven on earth

The wind and rain was raw and mean and would change but for a moment. It would touch your face as soft as a feather, and then all of a sudden the cold would hit you once again, for when nature’s birthing spring, she gets right down to it.

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