short stories

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Blue’s Countryside Adventures
nature, animals, blue a far away fellow nature, animals, blue a far away fellow

Blue’s Countryside Adventures

As Blue and I enter a narrow country lane where finger posts and forgotten milestones are half hidden amongst the wild grasses and where dandelions are blowing abound with seed, Blue relishes the incomparable pleasure of discovery. As I look up at the watery sky I watch the blue arrows team of swallows swerving and swooping picking off insects as they go. I can hear in the distance the sound of ‘Great Tom’ the famous church bell of St. Thomas and The Holy Rood, what a wonderful sound he makes with a head, shoulder, a waist, a lip and a mouth but also a wonderful voice.

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falling leaves
nature, woodland a far away fellow nature, woodland a far away fellow

falling leaves

Whatever the season, the marvels of nature are all around us. Leaves from our woodland trees tumble and fall to the woodland floor. Consumers such as slugs and snails break down this vegetable matter into much smaller pieces.

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galleries and umtitumps
animals a far away fellow animals a far away fellow

galleries and umtitumps

In the early summer, when the hedgerows are white with May (the blossom of the hawthorn), the scent of which is heavy upon the breeze, and the birds singing lustily above, the spirit of the times is felt even underground by the mole—the blind miner whose senses are so keen it triggers him to start breeding in earnest.

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jumping jack
nature, woodland a far away fellow nature, woodland a far away fellow

jumping jack

Our tallest annual commonly known as Malaysian Balsam was brought here from the Himalayan foothills in the 1800’s, although a non-native, its flowers are adorned by bees. I dearly love to listen to their pulsing sounds as they harvest the white pollen in their baskets. However, the weight of their harvest would sometimes impede their flight and they would succumb to the waiting mouths of the hungry toads beneath.

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