short stories

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APRIL—Looking for Beauty
a far away fellow a far away fellow

APRIL—Looking for Beauty

As winter drifted into spring, the colds’ great bearhug that had embraced all had now released her grip and forsaken us. The bird songs are melodious and multitudinous in the burgeoning dawn of a glorious new day. As I ambled through soft green pastures where cleft-born wildflowers were soaking up the heat from the sun, a timorous hare leapt forth to feed on a rich supply of variable grasses.

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Moon Shadow
shadows a far away fellow shadows a far away fellow

Moon Shadow

When the night pulls her gentle curtain across the sky the clouds then begin to let my minds running script be like the clouds themselves.

Clouds excite me, stir my blood and make my thoughts flow. I fear science would steal away my imagination. Although dusk is a mesmerising time of day, when the sun sets, the light dims and shadows begin to fall. They become inter-twined with light,

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