short stories

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in the shadowed wilds
nature, woodland, mindfulness, animals a far away fellow nature, woodland, mindfulness, animals a far away fellow

in the shadowed wilds

In the shadowed wilds of mature deciduous woodland where the trees are throttled by the ivy, the wood anemones now steal the show, cloaking the ground and blooming like a galaxy of stars. The random clumps of snow piercers (snowdrops) their white beauty now faded have provided a much needed food supply for the early bees.

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nature, woodland, winter, rocky a far away fellow nature, woodland, winter, rocky a far away fellow

a winter’s tale

As I walked along through the twilight with my breath condensing into clouds in the wintery air, the ground glistening beneath my feet and the trees coated with frost, the transparent icicles of winter hanging from their boughs and softly crackling in the breeze, my thoughts once again turned to my beloved Rocky.

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the wonderful woodland floor
woodland, animals a far away fellow woodland, animals a far away fellow

the wonderful woodland floor

Losing the greenbelt and the mature woodland goes far deeper than just the fields and the trees, it’s what they support, the things we don’t see, the things we can’t see or even consider or indeed understand their importance.

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a bower of joy
animals a far away fellow animals a far away fellow

a bower of joy

Pondering through the little episodes of my life helps me to realise that many things exist in life that we don’t really see, hear or even understand.

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