short stories

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MINDFULNESS – The Artist’s Way
a far away fellow a far away fellow

MINDFULNESS – The Artist’s Way

In the cloudless blue coloured sky, I watched a crow and a buzzard rise way up high, they then fought a spiralling duel, with the buzzard making all the noise as they continued to carve the sky. Finally, they disappeared into the silhouetted woods, for the wise old crow knew the buzzard’s menacing intentions and had taken the buzzard away from his nesting site.

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NOVEMBER – An Autumn Spectacle
a far away fellow a far away fellow

NOVEMBER – An Autumn Spectacle

On frosty mornings when the fog veils the fields with an eerie haunting loneliness, there is a spooky ethereal quality as if there is something hidden from me.  However. there is no caveat alarm as a pall of grey hangs over the sky, where a thronging of geese, indistinguishable, were exploding into an echo of sound.

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APRIL—Looking for Beauty
a far away fellow a far away fellow

APRIL—Looking for Beauty

As winter drifted into spring, the colds’ great bearhug that had embraced all had now released her grip and forsaken us. The bird songs are melodious and multitudinous in the burgeoning dawn of a glorious new day. As I ambled through soft green pastures where cleft-born wildflowers were soaking up the heat from the sun, a timorous hare leapt forth to feed on a rich supply of variable grasses.

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Purple Rain
Maverick, feeling, rain a far away fellow Maverick, feeling, rain a far away fellow

Purple Rain

As I slumber in a mantle that covers all human thoughts, I am awakened by the rain. Sweeping across the fields outside my window it lashes the panes leaving artistic rivulets of water obscuring my view. But the wind soon lost its strength and began to blow more leisurely. I like watching places wake up, the changing light, the mood of the sky and the freshness of the new morning. I love to listen to the song thrush that sings its song twice, but sadly not this morning.

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The Language of Trees
trees, nature a far away fellow trees, nature a far away fellow

The Language of Trees

The transfixing power of the language of the trees is immense. Trees are very sociable and care for and support one another. They hide many wonders that we are only just beginning to understand, they experience pain and have memories too.

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Once upon a Dream
nature, animals a far away fellow nature, animals a far away fellow

Once upon a Dream

In the windless noon, the flaunt of the sunshine on this sultry day and the cirrus clouds above help to absorb the moment’s meaning. As I observe the sights and soundscapes, I gaze across the daisied meadow watching the motionless eye-winking cattle basking in the sun.

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The Life of the Little Brook
nature, animals a far away fellow nature, animals a far away fellow

The Life of the Little Brook

After days of heavy rain the little brook had become dimmed and occluded by a great muddy morass. But now the muffled wind with its waft brought the sound of a slow trickle, having found a heavy boulder it made its first song.

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By the Riverside
nature, animals a far away fellow nature, animals a far away fellow

By the Riverside

Here where reeds and waterlilies flourish is a place where herons and kingfishers dwell. In the morning the rain had fallen and hung the leaves with tears, but now the sun is shining bright and as it hits the heavy raindrops they shine like crystals.

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Let The Moments Linger
nature, animals a far away fellow nature, animals a far away fellow

Let The Moments Linger

A youthful looking man with a look of intelligence and sensibility approaches me, “Why bother” he bristles, “Why tell your stories, no-one will listen? This is what you should be talking about, this is what people want”. He thrust his phone into my vision with images of space and science fiction; “This is the future” he said. This came as a thunderbolt to me and I listen intensely to what he has to say.

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The Nature of Flight
nature, animals, birds a far away fellow nature, animals, birds a far away fellow

The Nature of Flight

Being fully awake and with the soft magic of the half-light dissolved like mist, I stare in slack mouthed silence as squirrels hurriedly ripple across my path, their spines undulating like waves along a skipping rope. They have become startled by the rooks alighting in the great oak tree. Rooks have a more discerning scent and lead a flock of starlings to an area rich in food. They have a more delicate feel in their beaks enabling them to detect food from a greater distance so have formed a beneficial relationship with the starlings, the rooks also acting as a ‘look out’ for predators on open ground which can be readily observed.

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Blue’s Countryside Adventures
nature, animals, blue a far away fellow nature, animals, blue a far away fellow

Blue’s Countryside Adventures

As Blue and I enter a narrow country lane where finger posts and forgotten milestones are half hidden amongst the wild grasses and where dandelions are blowing abound with seed, Blue relishes the incomparable pleasure of discovery. As I look up at the watery sky I watch the blue arrows team of swallows swerving and swooping picking off insects as they go. I can hear in the distance the sound of ‘Great Tom’ the famous church bell of St. Thomas and The Holy Rood, what a wonderful sound he makes with a head, shoulder, a waist, a lip and a mouth but also a wonderful voice.

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A Show of Summer Softness
nature, woodland a far away fellow nature, woodland a far away fellow

A Show of Summer Softness

In a small enclave of a wooded copse is a place so delightful and yet so often goes unnoticed and unsung. Here is a place to see wonders great and small; it is the little puzzles and magical ploys it presents to us, where adventures are to be experienced and secrets discovered where no eyes can follow

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in the shadowed wilds
nature, woodland, mindfulness, animals a far away fellow nature, woodland, mindfulness, animals a far away fellow

in the shadowed wilds

In the shadowed wilds of mature deciduous woodland where the trees are throttled by the ivy, the wood anemones now steal the show, cloaking the ground and blooming like a galaxy of stars. The random clumps of snow piercers (snowdrops) their white beauty now faded have provided a much needed food supply for the early bees.

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nature, woodland, winter, rocky a far away fellow nature, woodland, winter, rocky a far away fellow

a winter’s tale

As I walked along through the twilight with my breath condensing into clouds in the wintery air, the ground glistening beneath my feet and the trees coated with frost, the transparent icicles of winter hanging from their boughs and softly crackling in the breeze, my thoughts once again turned to my beloved Rocky.

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hidden in the blind
animals, nature, woodland a far away fellow animals, nature, woodland a far away fellow

hidden in the blind

Whilst roaming the local countryside day after day and across all seasons, I would observe and make notes on all I saw in the way of living things. Nothing escaped my attention. I never missed an opportunity to see something wonderful and have been ‘blown away’ by the wondrous things I have witnessed.

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