short stories

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all things connected
nature a far away fellow nature a far away fellow

all things connected

In the lazy summer sun the thrushes consume many fruits of the wild cherry and soon begin to become intoxicated; they then turn, flip, tumble and fall allowing me to make close contact with them whilst becoming rather tame.

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a little bit of heaven on earth
nature a far away fellow nature a far away fellow

a little bit of heaven on earth

The wind and rain was raw and mean and would change but for a moment. It would touch your face as soft as a feather, and then all of a sudden the cold would hit you once again, for when nature’s birthing spring, she gets right down to it.

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the presence of wonder
nature a far away fellow nature a far away fellow

the presence of wonder

Studying lichens in a local cemetery a purely natural habitat represents a mutual life giving partnership between an algae and a fungus, each depending on and co-existing with each other.

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