humane pest control for your garden

Keeping the Enemy at Bay

It can be difficult to keep your garden free of unwanted visitors, but there’s no need reach for the chemical sprays and resort to unpleasant methods. Try some of my simple ways to outwit garden pests and ward off diseases by using plant deterrents and some clever homespun trickery instead.

Moles – One should never try to kill them no matter how troublesome they can be. A method which seems to work well is sibilance (wind music).  Firstly place a few mothballs in the centre of the molehills (they have a real aversion to them), then sink several wine bottles in the molehills with the neck protruding uppermost, leaving two to three inches exposed. When the wind blows across them, the resonating sound is carried below ground, along with the smell of the mothballs: the moles become deeply troubled and will move away.

Cats - to discourage cats in your garden, avoid bird feeders and the herb catmint (Nepeta) as cats are drawn to both of these. Instead plant curry plants (Helichrysum Italicum), a lovely herb with a distinct curry aroma, silvery foliage and bright yellow daisy like flowers. Cats dislike its scent immensely and will avoid the area, leaving your garden cat free.

Rats and Mice – plant herbs such as valerian and spearmint. The plant euphorbia and the shrub Sambucas Nigra are also effective deterrents. To protect your chicken coop and aviaries, lay or plant prickly foliage plants around the perimeter as a barrier to keep them at bay.  These plants can also be potted and positioned outside your door to keep them away from your home.

Aphids – most plants can be invaded by aphids which are plant lice, a troublesome sap sucking insect which needs to be controlled. Companion planting with herbs such as sage, lavender and chervil will greatly help to protect your vulnerable plants. A front-line defence would be an infusion of crushed garlic cloves in water, administered in a spray directly onto the insects.  Any plants that have been infected and are looking distressed can be brought back to health by placing a magical camomile plant grown in a pot close by, this will help to heal any plants that are suffering.

It’s always best to try letting nature preen your garden for you by enlisting the local wildlife, such as ants, ladybirds, hedgehogs and birds. Furthermore, by experimenting with different herbs, you can keep the enemy at bay without the use of chemicals, thus protecting us and the environment.

If you have a particular problem with a pest I haven’t talked about here, please feel free to post a comment below and I will do my best to advise you!

Image credit: Bundo Kim on Unsplash


the umbelliferae family


the evening primrose