in the garden
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“I never tire of the author’s experiences of life, especially through his study of nature. Over the years, I have often asked for his advice on horticultural and conservation issues and he has never been found wanting on either subject.”
a far away fellow holds the following credentials:
Cert Ed. Nat Cert. Horticulture. A1 Hort. (Member of the Institute of Horticulture)
Certificate in Environmental Conservation

Indoor Plants
With many more people working from home it is useful to know that by adding a few indoor plants to your home and office areas helps not only to lower your stress levels but also helps you to become more relaxed.

plants for free
The seeds of any plant are the children of the parent plant. Regular dead heading sends shock waves to the mother plant which then stimulates the production of more blooms thus producing more seed.

spring bulbs: new birth and their fresh beauty
Winter will never end we may say, but take heart spring will be with us once again for our daffodils are a message of hope, they carry little fragrance but give joy and a sense of wonder.

lawn care
The month of September is a fine time to begin your lawn care maintenance. By following this simple guide your lawn will have a much better start before winter’s arrival.

humane pest control for unwanted house guests
Here are some ways you can keep your house free of unwanted visitors without resorting to unpleasant means. Use some of my simple ways to outwit household pests by using plant deterrents and some clever homespun trickery instead.

in this article, i share some of my favourite propagation tips for herbs, roses, shrubs, and seeds

planting in containers
A compilation of tips and suggestions that will enable you to enjoy your garden whatever the size of your plot.

humane pest control for your garden II
Here are some more ways you can keep your garden free of unwanted visitors without resorting to unpleasant means. Use some of my simple ways to outwit garden pests and ward off diseases by using plant deterrents and some clever homespun trickery instead.

the umbelliferae family
Herbs such as lovage, fennel, dill and parsley are all members of the umbellifer family and make a wonderful addition to your garden.

humane pest control for your garden
It can be difficult to keep your garden free of unwanted visitors, but there’s no need reach for the chemical sprays and resort to unpleasant methods. Try some of my simple ways to outwit garden pests and ward off diseases by using plant deterrents and some clever homespun trickery instead.

the evening primrose
Evening primrose originates from North America; it prefers a sandy alluvium soil as its growing medium. Therefore a good place to watch the many linnets and goldfinches which feast on its rich oily seeds during the autumn and winter months would be our coastal seaside areas.